Friday, September 6, 2019

Fire Safety

Yesterday we joined Tui to listen to our Hokitika firefighters who were speaking to us about fire safety. We learnt about smoke alarms and that when there is a fire that we should crawl on our hands and knees out of our houses as the smoke rises. We also learnt that if our clothing catches fire that we should roll on the ground to put it out. We were also told to make sure that we know our address just encase there is a fire at our place. The firefighters also showed us their fire safety gear that protects them when they go to put out fires. Let us know what you think.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi this is Christiaan and Josh we wanted to look at your fire safety post it is cool. It was a great idea to tell information so people know what to do in a fire. If your on the Ground more smoke will come into your nose and mouth So try stop drop and roll.
    I hope you never have to do what you learnt from the firefighters. So did you have fun With the firefighters?
